Case Studies
Featured Case Studies
Policy Center Project
Iron Mountain sought to improve the user experience for their policy center legal retention application…
Unified Desktop Project
As a principal UX information architect at TIAA, I owned a portfolio of UX projects and led the user experience effort in application development projects for the…
Active Trader Pro Project
I developed solutions for real-time trading applications that rely on behavior-driven design and data visualization. I leveraged my combined knowledge of…
Shopping Cart Redesign Project
I designed the architecture and user experience for the retail giant’s e-commerce checkout process overhaul in 2012, which they continue…
Dealer Daily Sales Portal Project
Toyota Dealer Daily Portal Project: Toyota North America Dealer Daily Website Redesign Principal Stakeholder(s): Under the direction of Toyota North America…
Rich Media Design
I worked as a rich banner ad designer for their daily online publication. I utilized Adobe…